
Music and myth in Ancient Greece

November 9, 2024—3 p.m.
Miradolo Castle

Speaker: Massimo Raffa
Curator: Enrica Melossi
Organizers: Cosso Foundation
 and Giorgio Griffa Foundation

A half-hour with Massimo Raffa

Taking its cue from Giorgio Griffa’s interest in myth and the precious pictures it gives us of that something more that the direct language of the written word tends to exclude, this encounter proposes a fascinating and original journey through the sounds of the ancients, the notes making up the soundscape of their day-to-day life. A dialogue drawing inspiration from Raffa’s book Il tessuto delle muse. Musica e mito nel mondo classico [The Fabric of the Muses. Music and Myth in the Classical World], (Inschibboleth, 2021).