Giorgio Griffa with Gian Enzo Sperone, 1969

Giorgio Griffa with Gian Enzo Sperone in his gallery in Turin, 1969


Stories of parallel worlds in Turin

November 30, 2024—3 p.m.
Miradolo Castle

Speaker: Giulio Caresio
Moderators: Enrica Melossi and Roberto Galimberti
Curator: Enrica Melossi
Organizers: Cosso Foundation
  and Giorgio Griffa Foundation

A half-hour with Giulio Caresio

The atmospheres and tumultuous excitement of the Turin in which Giorgio Griffa grew up to become the painter that he is. Compelling memories of an amazing city, made up of places, happenings, and cherished collective rituals like going to galleries, a crossroads of diverse sensitivities and intelligence, between art, culture, theatre, poetry, literature, publishing, and politics. Stories of parallel worlds on apparently separate trajectories, whose paths nevertheless crossed in fertile and surprising, if sometimes unconscious ways. 

GIULIO CARESIO, born 1973, is a freelance journalist, copywriter, editor, and a founding member of the Giorgio Griffa Foundation. A graduate in theoretical physics, he thrives on building connections between people, cultural spheres, and different topics and disciplines—bridging, for example, quantum mechanics and classical mythology, neuroscience and contemporary art, or digital communications and etymology. He was formerly editor-in-chief of the magazines Parchi and ALP. Over his career he has written for various newspapers, edited numerous books, curated exhibitions, and held a university course on “Ways and Means of Written Communication.” He is also a photographer and video/documentary maker.